Sunday, May 14, 2006

Shot and Stroke Effects

Here's some essoterica and information that may just help you in your next game.

In snooker, two balls frozen in line with a pocket is called a SET, while two balls frozen such that the line between them points to a pocket is called a PLANT. A set forms a combination while a plant forms a carom.

What most people don't realize is that the path the intended object ball travels can be controlled to some degree (enough to make or miss most shots). What hardly anyone knows is that the plant and set are controlled by different things, which means that it is possible to seperately and jointly control the paths of both balls in a set or a plant.

The set is controlled by the hit, that is the point of contact on the first object ball of the combination. The plant is controlled by the stroke, that is: draw, stun (stop) or follow.

For the set, striking the first object ball to the left or right of the line through their centers will push (throw) the intended object ball in the direction away from the side of the hit. To move it left, hit on the right and vice versa.

For the plant, stroking with draw will tend to push, throw the object ball away from the point of contact, while stroking with follow will tend to pull, draw the object ball toward the point of contact. The fuller the hit the greater the effect. Therefore, if stun is on, draw would make it run wide and follow would make it run short.

For a fun, interesting and informative exercise in this try:

Set an object ball on the foot spot. Then freeze a ball on the center table side such that their line of centers is pointed at the pocket point on the center table side. With this setup you should have a set to one corner and a plant to the opposite corner.

Now, taking cue ball in hand behind the headstring, try making either or both balls at will, by just varying the stroke and hit. Caution, shooting very hard will tend to nullify the effects of throw, draw and follow so that your control evaporates.

Using the right hit and stroke will make both the set and the plant, while modifying one or the other will allow you to make one ball and not the other.


The Old Professor